Rolston Leadership Group

Communicating to Connect 

Communication Skills to Maximise Impact in Leadership and Across Cultures

Programs Include:

Some of the modules covered in each program are:

Strengths and limitations/ growth edges to develop.
Leadership strategies based on your powerful DISC to get stronger results.
Team dynamics and motivators.
Action plan - challenges and strategies.
5 principles and practices of effective communication that build connections.
Becoming a person of influence to maximise impact.
Plus much more...



DISC Assessment.
12 Weeks one-on-one coaching.
Teaching and Mentoring.
Implementation Support..



DISC Assessment
Two private one-on-one coaching sessions.
6 x monthly interactive workshops.
6 x monthly round table group coaching sessions.
Teaching and Mentoring.
Implementation support.

Featured testimonial

"Working with Lynn has provided the tools I needed to develop stronger communication skills both professionally and personally. Her empathetic guidance, down to earth approach and the tools she provided allowed me space to increase my communication skills and develop good management strategies in our business. I deeply appreciate the time she gives me."

Rachel Loo

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